Wednesday, February 01, 2006


And they lose... twice...

Mr Clarke claimed what had happened had been "a purely political act" by Tories, Lib Dems and members of his own side to defeat the government, rather than a genuine consideration of the issues in the bill.

Because no one in parliament could have any *real* objection to such a widely drawn bill...


  • At 3:32 pm , Blogger Simon said...

    There's a good point there, maybe a jury wouldn't convict, but most people would rather avoid prosecution altogether...

  • At 10:07 pm , Blogger Tristan said...

    That's what will happen.
    Its an insidious effect, people start having to consider a myriad of laws before they act, it eats away at freedom and conditions people to act in accordance with government and state will.
    Its a slow conditioning process which has to greater and lesser degrees been going on for a long time now (just under 100 years some suggest).


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